A linked list on C

Although linked lists sounds kind of scary, don't worry they are really easy to use once you've got a little practice under your belt! When I first learned this odd way of storing data, I really thought that I wouldn't be using them again. I certainly learned differently! Linked lists form the foundation of many data storing schemes in my game!

They are really nice when you don't know how many of a data type you will need, and don't want to waste space. They are like having a dynamically allocated string that fluctuates in size as the program runs. Before I really confuse you lets get into a better explanation!

Building a binary tree in C

The following program shows how to build a binary tree in a C program. It uses dynamic memory allocation, pointers and recursion. A binary tree is a very useful data-structure, since it allows efficient insertion, searching and deletion in a sorted list. As such a tree is essentially a recursively defined structure, recursive programming is the natural and efficient way to handle it.

How To Program For Windows Registry

This will guide you, how to use Windows Registry to store user specific non critical data which can be retrieved across applications.

The Registry is split into a number of logical sections better known as hives.

Building a linked list in C

The following program shows how a simple, linear linked list can be constructed in C, using dynamic memory allocation and pointers.

struct list_el {
int val;
struct list_el * next;