Linked List in PHP How to

Data structures are one of the core elements of computer science and they are also fun to program. But being a web developer the opportunity for implementing them in any application is quite rare. But then I thought, What the heck! I can just code for the joy of it, and it will also help me brush up on my DS skills. So here it is, a single linked list implementation in PHP for whoever may care. I will be posting other data structure and algorithm implementations here, so keeping watching. The code is given below.


* Title: Single linked list
* Description: Implementation of a single linked list in PHP
* @author Sameer Borate |
* @version 1.0 20th June 2008
class ListNode
    /* Data to hold */
    public $data;
    /* Link to next node */
    public $next;
    /* Node constructor */
    function __construct($data)
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->next = NULL;
    function readNode()
        return $this->data;
class LinkList
    /* Link to the first node in the list */
    private $firstNode;
    /* Link to the last node in the list */
    private $lastNode;
    /* Total nodes in the list */
    private $count;
    /* List constructor */
    function __construct()
        $this->firstNode = NULL;
        $this->lastNode = NULL;
        $this->count = 0;
    public function isEmpty()
        return ($this->firstNode == NULL);
    public function insertFirst($data)
        $link = new ListNode($data);
        $link->next = $this->firstNode;
        $this->firstNode = &$link;
        /* If this is the first node inserted in the list
           then set the lastNode pointer to it.
        if($this->lastNode == NULL)
            $this->lastNode = &$link;
    public function insertLast($data)
        if($this->firstNode != NULL)
            $link = new ListNode($data);
            $this->lastNode->next = $link;
            $link->next = NULL;
            $this->lastNode = &$link;
    public function deleteFirstNode()
        $temp = $this->firstNode;
        $this->firstNode = $this->firstNode->next;
        if($this->firstNode != NULL)
        return $temp;
    public function deleteLastNode()
        if($this->firstNode != NULL)
            if($this->firstNode->next == NULL)
                $this->firstNode = NULL;
                $previousNode = $this->firstNode;
                $currentNode = $this->firstNode->next;
                while($currentNode->next != NULL)
                    $previousNode = $currentNode;
                    $currentNode = $currentNode->next;
                $previousNode->next = NULL;
    public function deleteNode($key)
        $current = $this->firstNode;
        $previous = $this->firstNode;
        while($current->data != $key)
            if($current->next == NULL)
                return NULL;
                $previous = $current;
                $current = $current->next;
        if($current == $this->firstNode)
            $this->firstNode = $this->firstNode->next;
            $previous->next = $current->next;
    public function find($key)
        $current = $this->firstNode;
        while($current->data != $key)
            if($current->next == NULL)
                return null;
                $current = $current->next;
        return $current;
    public function readNode($nodePos)
        if($nodePos <= $this->count)
            $current = $this->firstNode;
            $pos = 1;
            while($pos != $nodePos)
                if($current->next == NULL)
                    return null;
                    $current = $current->next;
            return $current->data;
            return NULL;
    public function totalNodes()
        return $this->count;
    public function readList()
        $listData = array();
        $current = $this->firstNode;
        while($current != NULL)
            array_push($listData, $current->readNode());
            $current = $current->next;
        return $listData;
    public function reverseList()
        if($this->firstNode != NULL)
            if($this->firstNode->next != NULL)
                $current = $this->firstNode;
                $new = NULL;
                while ($current != NULL)
                    $temp = $current->next;
                    $current->next = $new;
                    $new = $current;
                    $current = $temp;
                $this->firstNode = $new;

PHPUnit test :

require_once 'linklist.class.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php';
class LinkListTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testLinkList()
        $totalNodes = 100;
        $theList = new LinkList();
        for($i=1; $i <= $totalNodes; $i++)
        $this->assertEquals($totalNodes, $theList->totalNodes());
        for($i=1; $i <= $totalNodes; $i++)
        $totalNodes = $totalNodes * 2;
        $this->assertEquals($totalNodes, $theList->totalNodes());
        $this->assertEquals($totalNodes, $theList->totalNodes());
        $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 1, $theList->totalNodes());
        $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 2, $theList->totalNodes());
        /* Delete node which has a value of '5' */
        $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 3, $theList->totalNodes());
        /* Insert a node at the end of the list with a value of '22' */
        $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 2, $theList->totalNodes());
        /* Find a node with a value of '25' (is in the list) */
        $found = $theList->find(25);
        $this->assertEquals(25, $found->data);
        /* Find a node with a value of '125' (is not in the list) */
        $found = $theList->find(125);
        /* Return the data stored in the node at position '50'
           which is in the list */
        $data = $theList->readNode(50);
        $this->assertEquals(50, $data);
        /* Return the data stored in the node at position '450'
           which is not in the list */
        $data = $theList->readNode(450);


  1. Or, you can use Iterator:

  2. wow thats alot of code and while its probably falls into the classic university study of data structures well, I can totally imagine that it probably is over kill compared to just using an array nicely. o well.

  3. Please, take a look at: bye!

  4. Much of the classic CS data structures like a linked list were solutions to limitations in the languages of the time (e.g. C & Pascal had arrays that were fixed in size at compile time), so if you wanted to store an unknown number of items in RAM you needed to resort to memory allocation, pointers and a linked list. So while it's an interesting challenge to implement these things in PHP, in reality it's probably not necessary or practical when we've got an array which can store any arbitrary amount of data.

    Great idea though, and I like the idea of using a unit test to both test the class and demonstrate usage.

